Struggling With Weight Loss Goals? This Simple New Tool Can Help!

Do you feel that excess weight has become more difficult to shed? Perhaps building muscle or lifting something is becoming more difficult with age? You’re not alone!




by Jonathan Stein

Nov 2023 · 5 mins to read · advertorial

Countless men across America find it challenging to lose weight and build muscle. This can be due to a variety of reasons: protein deficiency, ineffective daily exercise routines, or poorly built training plans. Almost nothing is as frustrating as putting in the effort at the gym, or dieting and seeing little-to-no results.

This Game-Changing Approach Does One Thing Completely Differently

As people age, losing weight and gaining muscle becomes more challenging due to several factors:

1. First, the metabolic rate decreases, meaning the body burns fewer calories at rest, leading to easier weight gain. 
2. Second, muscle mass naturally declines with age, a condition known as sarcopenia, making it harder to build and maintain muscle.

However, as we age, staying fit becomes ever more crucial to keep ourselves strong and healthy.

Many companies have tried to offer solutions for fitness goals. But their one-size-fits-all methods often ignore individual needs, leading to lackluster results.

What’s often overlooked, is that men need to alter and change their diets, exercise routines, and much more as they age. Most methods online offer the same diet and exercise to you whether you’re 20 or 60, and don’t take into account your levels of fitness through your life, which can also impact how you should treat your body as you age.

Now, there's a game-changing approach to staying fit at any age gaining popularity. You're not alone in this fight!

The Missing Element in 99.9% of Weight Loss Strategies

U.S.-based BeyondBody is challenging one-size-fits-all weight loss methods. Everyone’s body is unique, so generic solutions just don't cut it. BeyondBody's founders are dedicated to providing personalized advice. After taking a detailed quiz, you'll receive tailored meal plans, custom workout routines, and more for an effortless transition.

Emily from BeyondBody shares, “Most programs overlook your unique circumstances, making it less likely they’ll work for you. Our quiz results are tailored to each individual. Starting is easy, but changing habits is a challenge.”

What Sets BeyondBody Apart

We all know miracle pills don't really work for weight loss or muscle building. You also don't need to waste time on ineffective workouts or diets.

This is Your Personalised Trainer & Chef all in One

Simon, 61

I never would've thought that a few small changes could make such a big difference! The personalized tips I got from BeyondBody are something I just couldn't find on regular websites or YouTube. It totally makes sense - my body's unique, so a customized approach to weight loss is key. And hey, I've already dropped 9 pounds - this book is incredible.

Invest just 5 minutes in the BeyondBody quiz to receive a customized guide tailored to your weight loss and muscle-building needs.

BeyondBody considers your lifestyle, food intolerances, preferred sports, and more – it's like having a program that truly knows you.

That's why it's working for so many!

Workouts Tailored to Your Body and Progress

The personalized workout plans fit seamlessly into your daily life, with a wide range of exercises. The custom meal ideas are quick, tasty, and affordable, requiring minimal ingredients and kitchenware, if you wish so!

Readers Are Raving About BeyondBody's Positive Impact on Their Health!

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What Readers Say

Arnold M.

55 y/o

I recently started on this program to give this a try, to my surprise I had amazing results my first week! I was down 6 pounds. I highly recommend using the app with this plan as it has all your meals laid out for you.

Greg R.

63 y/o

I found BeyondBody to be a game-changer in my fitness journey, especially with its tailored approach to muscle growth and weight loss. The results have been remarkable, helping me build muscle and shed pounds effectively, proving that age is just a number when it comes to staying fit.

Doug H.

55 y/o

At 55, BeyondBody has not only helped me feel stronger and more energetic, but I also feel more attractive and confident in my physique. It's been a transformative experience, significantly boosting my strength and self-image.

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